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- /*
- ** $VER: desktop.h
- **
- ** Desktop Definitions.
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1996-1998 DreamWorld Productions.
- ** All Rights Reserved.
- */
- #ifndef DPKERNEL_H
- #include <dpkernel/dpkernel.h>
- #endif
- /***************************************************************************
- ** Desktop object.
- */
- #define VER_DESKTOP 1
- typedef struct Desktop {
- struct Head Head; /* 00 [--] Standard header structure */
- struct MenuBar *MenuBar; /* 12 [--] Only 1 menu bar is allowed */
- struct Bob *Pointer; /* 16 [--] The pointer for this desktop */
- struct GScreen *Screen; /* 20 [--] The Screen that is owned by the Desktop */
- struct Chain *Icons; /* 24 [--] First icon on the chain */
- struct Chain *Windows; /* 28 [--] First window on the chain */
- struct Chain *Children; /* 32 [--] All the other children inside the desktop */
- LONG Gadgets; /* 36 [--] Gadget flags */
- struct Bob *Wallpaper; /* 40 [--] Bob to use as wall paper */
- LONG Flags; /* 44 [--] */
- struct TitleBar *TitleBar; /* 48 [--] Pointer to a titlebar */
- /*** Private fields ***/
- struct Bob *prvPointer;
- struct Bob *prvWallpaper;
- } OBJDesktop;
- #define DSA_MenuBar (TAPTR|12)
- #define DSA_Pointer (TAPTR|16)
- #define DSA_Gadgets (TLONG|36)
- #define DSA_Wallpaper (TAPTR|40)
- #define DSA_Flags (TLONG|44)
- #define DSA_TitleBar (TAPTR|48)
- #define DSA_MenuBarTags (TSTEPIN|TTRIGGER|12)
- #define DSA_PointerTags (TSTEPIN|TTRIGGER|16)
- #define DSA_GadgetsTags (TSTEPIN|TTRIGGER|36)
- #define DSA_WallpaperTags (TSTEPIN|TTRIGGER|40)
- #define DSA_TitleBarTags (TSTEPIN|TTRIGGER|48)
- /***************************************************************************
- ** Flags for Desktop->Gadgets
- */
- #define GDF_CLOSE 0x00000001
- #define GDF_FLIP 0x00000002
- /***************************************************************************
- ** Flags for Desktop->Flags
- */
- #define DSF_Tile 0x00000001
- /***************************************************************************
- ** This is the Chain object. The advantage of an object chain is that
- ** it allows you to link up lots of objects that don't know anything about
- ** chaining.
- */
- #define VER_CHAIN 1
- typedef struct Chain {
- struct Head *Stats; /* 00 Standard header */
- struct Chain *Next; /* 12 Next chain object */
- struct Chain *Prev; /* 16 Previous chain object */
- APTR Object; /* 20 Pointer to the object belonging to this node */
- } OBJChain;
- #define CNA_Next (TAPTR|12)
- #define CNA_Prev (TAPTR|16)
- #define CNA_Object (TAPTR|20)
- /***************************************************************************
- ** These are Window gadgets, the Window class holds pointers to them
- ** privately. Since they are standard DPK objects, you can enhance them,
- ** add animations to gadgets etc...
- */
- struct GadClose {
- struct Head Head; /* Standard header structure */
- struct Bob *Image; /* Gadget Image (Bob) */
- };
- struct GadIconify {
- struct Head *Stats; /* Standard header structure */
- struct Bob *Image; /* Gadget Image (Bob) */
- };
- struct GadMaximise {
- struct Head *Stats; /* Standard header structure */
- struct Bob *Image; /* Gadget Image (Bob) */
- };
- struct GadResize {
- struct Head *Stats; /* Standard header structure */
- struct Bob *Image; /* Gadget Image (Bob) */
- };
- /***************************************************************************
- ** Icon Object.
- **
- ** Most visual information, such as the coordinates, image data etc are
- ** inherited from the Bob and the text comes from the Font obejct.
- */
- #define TAGS_ICON ((ID_SPCTAGS<<16)|ID_ICON)
- #define VER_ICON 1
- typedef struct Icon {
- struct Head Head; /* [00] Standard header structure */
- struct Bob *Bob; /* [12] The drawable part of the icon */
- struct Font *Font; /* [16] What font should we use to print the name [O] */
- BYTE *Name; /* [20] The name to appear under the image */
- /*** Private fields ***/
- LONG prvAFlags;
- struct Bob *prvBob;
- struct Font *prvFont;
- } OBJIcon;
- #define ICA_Bob (TAPTR|12)
- #define ICA_Font (TAPTR|16)
- #define ICA_Name (TAPTR|20)
- #define ICA_BobTags (TAPTR|TTRIGGER|12)
- #define ICA_FontTags (TAPTR|TTRIGGER|16)
- /***************************************************************************
- ** TitleBar Object.
- */
- #define VER_TITLEBAR 1
- typedef struct TitleBar {
- struct Head Head; /* [00 R-] Standard header structure */
- struct Font *Font; /* [12 RI] Font to use for the title */
- struct Bob *Tile; /* [16 RI] The Bob that is being used for tiling */
- struct Bitmap *prvDestBitmap; /* [20 --] Private. */
- BYTE *Name; /* [24 RI] Name/Caption of the titlebar */
- APTR Parent; /* [28 RI] Who owns the title bar */
- LONG BackColour; /* [32 RW] RGB background colour */
- LONG HighColour; /* [36 RW] RGB highlight colour */
- LONG DarkColour; /* [40 RW] RGB dark colour */
- struct Font *prvFont; /* [44 --] Private */
- WORD LeftMargin; /* [48 RW] X offset from the parent X/Y */
- WORD TopMargin; /* [50 RW] Y offset from the parent X/Y */
- WORD Height; /* [52 RW] Height of this titlebar */
- WORD Alignment; /* [54 RW] Align to left, center or right */
- WORD RightMargin; /* [56 RW] Pixel space to leave on the right */
- WORD emp; /* [58 --] */
- struct Bob *prvTile; /* [60 --] Private */
- } OBJTitleBar;
- #define ALIGN_LEFT 1
- #define ALIGN_RIGHT 2
- #define ALIGN_CENTER 3
- #define TBA_Font (TAPTR|12)
- #define TBA_Tile (TAPTR|16)
- #define TBA_Name (TBYTE|24)
- #define TBA_Parent (TAPTR|28)
- #define TBA_BackColour (TLONG|32)
- #define TBA_HighColour (TLONG|36)
- #define TBA_DarkColour (TLONG|40)
- #define TBA_LeftMargin (TWORD|48)
- #define TBA_TopMargin (TWORD|50)
- #define TBA_Height (TWORD|52)
- #define TBA_Alignment (TWORD|54)
- #define TBA_RightMargin (TWORD|56)
- #define TBA_FontTags (TSTEPIN|TTRIGGER|12)
- #define TBA_TileTags (TSTEPIN|TTRIGGER|16)
- #endif /* DESKTOP_DESKTOP_H */